I released a stupid but potentially useful tool today. It might be a bad idea—I'm not completely sure yet—but the idea was so intriguing that I just couldn't resist building it. It's a simple data retrieval and transformation tool for Python datastructures, and like so many other tools that I've developed in the last few months, the idea came from a conversation I had with a coworker. The underlying theme was simple: data transformation is always a pain, and often it seems like it really doesn't need to be. Select the data you want to change and apply some transformation to it. How hard can it be?
One of my favorite implementations of this idea is Clojure, a name that should ring a bell if you're developer. Clojure emphasizes the use of standard data types, and working with them is always fun, because most functions work fairly generically on all of the types. This is thanks to the seq abstraction and transducers, two simple yet amazingly powerful concepts that are central to how Clojure works with data. I have tried to emulate that concept in zepto, sometimes well, sometimes not so much. It's just amazingly rewarding to have algorithms work instantaneously because the functions they use compose nicely. I would use it more if I didn't require a JVM on the machines I interact with, which is currently a deal breaker for both my clients and myself, sadly.
At work I mostly use Python. And I love Python. I know my way around it pretty well, I've written hundreds of thousands of lines of code in it by now—a chunk of which can be found on my Github. But sometimes working with it feels suboptimal, and I think that that's mostly due to the lack of composability in the core of the language. Maybe it's just my bias as a fan of functional programming that makes me shiver whenever I see the reimplementation of large swaths of code in different parts of project because of some badly constructed class or module that intertwines all kinds of unrelated behaviour. Or maybe it's a real problem. I feel unqualified to judge that due to a fundamental lack of objectivity. Let me rant about the tool for a second instead.
Making the best of my mess
is relatively hacky. The initial idea was to apply CSS-like queries to data to retrieve relevant parts of it or update specific parts of the data set. CSS was designed for selecting specific parts of a website, so it was relatively clear that it would probably be better than any ad-hoc, badly specified DSL I could come up with. Nonetheless, I decided to use a fairly small and weirdly twisted dialect of CSS to make it work better with how Python data is structured–that's to say, building what amounts to a badly-specified, ad-hoc DSL.
Against all odds, it seems to be working fairly well for me. The code base is tiny and really easy to understand, which is a good thing in my book. Still, I would not suggest you use it if it does not scratch a really bad itch in your code. The reason for this is really simple: it is simply not idiomatic Python. It looks relatively functional from the inside—if you squint hard enough and ignore the mutations, that is—, which is not generally a good starting point for Python in my opinion. I find myself writing functional, or rather procedural, Python code very often for small data-driven tools, because I find the data flow is much easier to reason about that way. Another toolset of mine, hawkweed, tries to make actual functional constructs work well in Python. It hasn't become very popular yet, which I attribute to two primary reasons: Firstly, the documentation is very suboptimal, because it has largely been a tool for my own code or people who know the library's capabilities already. The docstrings within the code are extensive, but discovering what functions are actually there is hard. This approach puts the onus of learning about the tools' usefulness on the user, which, in my experience, doesn't work very well.
The second reason is rather simple: Python is not a functional language. Most Python programmers I know don't think in terms of higher order functions, currying, and other constructs that are generally employed by people who work primarily in functional languages to manage complexity, and so they don't understand how these programs can be useful for abstractions. This is not primarily due to willful ignorance, but rather because Python wasn't designed to work like that. It took me a long time to accept that programming languages are not what I want them to be. Sure, I can bend them until they fit into the box that I work in, but that is not how I should go about things if I want to work productively with other people.
Back on track
I still use manipulator
. I have designed it to work with a set of small internal tools for a client of mine. These tools interact with a database and transform data into different shapes for monitoring and analytics. This is a perfect fit for a tool like that: you know the shape of the input data, you know how to transform it, mostly statically, only influenced by the input data itself. It is almost a pure system and lends itself well to reasoning.
My conclusion from this little experiment is that sometimes hacks are acceptable, if they are kept local and do not taint any other part of the program but rather enrich the overall programming experience. Your mileage may vary.